BJP Review: 1974
I remember this great photo from when I first saw it a few years ago. It's by Catherine Noren. I e-mailed her at the time to ask for more detail (see below). I did sent a couple of follow up e-mails as what she found significant about the photo but never got another reply.
(c) Catherine Noren
“I guess I shouldn’t tell you what it was about the photo that I found the most significant — that is, unless you ask me.... I shot it near Union Square, In Manhattan—as a matter of fact, on 14th St., just about the corner of Broadway and 14th. The black man, who was clearly in a rage, was trying, without success, to get the attention of anyone—to engage anyone in any sort of fight. Everyone was was ignoring him, keeping their eyes resolutely on the ground, or on their destinations. Except for this one young man, in the pinstriped suit, who was trying to talk reasonably with him. He was being backed, literally, into the curb.”